Legal Resources You Can Count on in Times of Personal Crisis


We all have an obligation to keep ourselves, our families, neighbors, and communities safe. Sometimes we need to reshape the way we live. If you are experiencing or know someone experiencing a medical or personal crisis, do you know what steps to take to get you through it? You need to make sure that you […]


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9 Legal Specialties: What Kind of Lawyer Do You Need?


Lawyers make an incredible difference in our lives. That has been true for hundreds of years, it is true now, and it will continue to be true for the foreseeable future. Lawyers tackle everything from ground-breaking, history-making legislation, like the Scopes Trial to everyday matters, like bankruptcy and divorce. Recently, attorneys vowed to fight for […]

steps to take after a loved one dies

From Legal Issues to Funeral Arrangements 9 Steps to Take After a Loved One Dies


The death of a loved one can be a traumatic event. Accidents and other unintentional events are the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Deaths that occur due to accidents bring both grief and surprise. However, even if your loved one is in a hospice facility and their death was expected, it is […]

Training Legal Teams To Do Good


The best charity in-house lawyers follow through with projects from beginning to end, according to in-house legal advisor Darren Heath. The lawyer explains the main difference between being an in-house attorney and operating from a contracted, private practice stance. “The key difference is about seeing projects to end,” Heath shares. “Being in-house gives you that […]

Free Legal Services for Victims of Domestic Violence


According to research, one in four women and one in 10 men can experience domestic violence at least once in their lifetime. Trying to leave an abuser can be a dangerous and terrifying experience and extremely difficult, especially during the pandemic. Domestic violence victims often lack the financial resources and social support to be able […]

Finding affordable legal services


Video Source There are many reasons people are afraid to seek legal advice, but the major is financing. How do you hire a lawyer when you cannot afford one? Law firms need to consider this fact. How can they come up with strategies to make people afford the services? The hourly charges of a lawyer […]