The History of Big Tech and Antitrust Laws


Over the past year or so, more and more news stories have discussed the interplay between antitrust laws and big tech. We’ve spent hundreds of hours delving into the details to narrow down all the information to that which the average person needs to know. Take a look at our video or read the following […]

How Do Bail Bonds Work?


If you are looking at jail time, the first thought that comes to your head is how can you get out of it. There is a way, but it can be very costly. Bail bonding companies are in the business of getting people out of jail by paying their bail fee. At that point, the bail […]

How to Conduct Legal Research


In this video, you will learn about law research. Conducting legal research within the practice is complex, but rewarding. When you are in law school, it is a different aspect than when you are in the field working on a case. Video Source First, make sure you site the sources you are looking at. If […]

What to Ask Before Hiring a Divorce Lawyer


Going through a divorce is never a desired outcome. Unfortunately close to half of all marriages fail. To handle your divorce properly, it is crucial that you hire an experienced divorce attorney. The results will depend on it. In this video, you will learn what important questions you should be asking as you decide on […]

The Reality of Becoming a Local Bail Bondsman


In this video you learn about the realities facing your local bail bondsman. In this video Ben the bail bondsman answers common questions about the industry. These questions involving learning more about what goes into being a bail bondsman, if the reality of the job is anything like the reality TV version of a bondsman, […]

How Much Should You Expect From a Car Accident Settlement?


In this YouTube video, Aimee Gromowsky, a.k.a Aimee the Attorney, gives insight into the value of personal injury cases. The first point made in the video is that you should not trust an accident attorney who guarantees you a certain amount of settlement money. A range of factors goes into the value of a case. […]

Do You Know When to Call Your Personal Injury Lawyer?


You see and hear ads for personal injury lawyers on TV and radio. You probably know that you can call an injury lawyer for a car accident. But you might not know what other cases fall within the scope of personal injury law. All lawyers take the same courses in law school. One of those […]

Tips for Handling Post Car Accident Anxiety


Unfortunately, car accidents are relatively commonplace. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and WebMD, in the United States, someone will suffer a car accident-related injury once every 10 seconds. While many of these injuries may be relatively minor and leave the victim otherwise unscathed, the emotional impact of getting in a car […]